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About Director Chen | 導演陳麗貴簡介

About the Film

Dear Taiwan is a documentary by Director Lihkuei Chen that explores the topic of Taiwanese identity among Taiwan's youth today.  Director Chen interviews a number of Taiwanese public figures, ranging from authors to musicians to social activists, on their perspectives and experiences as Taiwanese people.

Below is an excerpt of a few dialogues from the film.

“Who am I?”, is a simple question that the Taiwanese have never had an easy answer to. Due to historical events, the people of Taiwan have drifted between being Taiwanese, Japanese, and Chinese.

In the past century, the Taiwanese have fought against foreign rule, and have continued pursuing democratic freedom, seeking truth and justice along the way, and slowly developing a sense of nationalistic... identity.

Today, Taiwan's youths, born and raised in post-martial law Taiwan, are no longer troubled by their identity. They confidently tell the world, "I am Taiwanese"!

"Honestly, forming a band back then
was not for business or for money.
It was for our vision.
We are using music
as a tool to resist,
or as a tool to spread our message."

"We want to make everyone understand that
this is Taiwan’s music.
This is Taiwan’s vigor.
This is Taiwan’s creativity."
- fishLIN & Fan Chiang of Kou Chou Ching

"The issue of national identity
made us suffer more than others.
Once away from home, you are Taiwanese, but...

We don’t have it easy, but we’re also very lucky.
Maybe we will have the chance
to build this beautiful nation
that we dream of.
This is our blessing. This is our chance."

- 馮喬蘭


陳麗貴導演的最新紀錄片《好國好民》, 探討台灣中.青世代的台灣認同. 片中陳導演訪問台灣各領域的青年領袖 談他們各人的心路歷程及對台灣認同的看法.




- 魚仔林 & 范姜, 拷秋勤

- 馮喬蘭

About Director Lihkuei Chen

Born in 1957,Lihkuei Chen, a documentary film maker and a social activist in Taiwan, began making documentary films in 1989.  Her first short film《Happy Birthday, Caddy》won the 1990 Golden Harvest Award.  In 2009, she was granted Cheng Futien Award for Cultural Achievements.

Major works include :

《Dear Taiwan》──2011
《The Need to Be Nitpicky: Chen Ding-Nan》──2010
《Blows the Froth: The Truth of Taiwan Economy》──2009
《Red Caution》──2008
《A Burning Mission –Rescue the Political Prisoners of Taiwan》2008
《A War of Glory》──2007
《Young, Together》── 2007
《The Road to Democracy in Taiwan—Lee Teng-Hui》──2006
《The Age of Awakening》──2006
《Colonization Under Japan 》──2006
《Moonlight in the Dark Night:Tsai Ruei-Yue, The Pioneer Dancer》── 2004
《Youth Sacrificed—Story of Green Island》── 2002
《Song of Life 》── 2002
《The Wedding 》── 2001
《Call Me Number One 》── 2000
《Ballad of Ping-teng Village》── 2000
《Wu Cho-Liu, The Iron Blood Poet》── 1999
《Tsai A-Hsin, The First Woman Doctor in Taiwan》── 1999
《Super Women 》── 1996
《The Fate of Married Women》── 1994
《Happy Birthday, Caddy》──1990  


二○○八年年底,陳麗貴以幾乎不到一個月時間完成【紅色戒嚴 ─ 陳雲林事件紀實】,這部紀錄片在台灣起巨大回響,網路上廣為流傳,被稱為「每位台灣人至少要看過一次」的影片,成為馬政府執政後的第一部反對運動紀錄片。 二○○九年,她再度在短時間內完成【焚 ─ 紀念鄭南榕殉道二十週年】,召喚反對運動原初的熱情,企圖為台灣尋找新的出路。 二○一○年她完成極為感人的【龜毛之必要 ─ 懷念政治家陳定南】。

一 九七九年,陳麗貴從台大外文系畢業,畢業後的二、三年,一個高中同學到美國唸完「視聽教育碩士」,帶回的視聽作品讓陳麗貴很感興趣,開始興起出國學習視聽教育的動機。一九八 一年,陳麗貴與李泳泉結婚。翌年,她和李泳泉一同前往美國奧斯汀德州大學求學。她的台灣意識,在異國的土 地上開始萌芽。在海外讀書、工作近十年,台灣意識也越來越清晰堅強。一九八九年,陳麗貴和李泳泉決定回台灣貢獻所學。


一九九六年到一九九七年,美國WGBH公共電視台打算拍攝一部與台灣認同有關的紀錄片【拔河─台灣的故事】(Tug of War:The Story of Taiwan),陳麗貴獲推薦擔任該片台灣製作總協調。 陳麗貴認真負責的工作態度,讓與美國導演茱蒂斯.維奇歐妮(Judith Vecchione)非常感動,結束後兩人也成為好友。一九九八年該片於美國播出後,在美國台僑界引起極大回響,這是國際上第一部以同情台灣的觀點探討台灣認同的紀錄片。




註: 本文主要參考邱斐顯【紅色戒嚴】導演陳麗貴:在疼惜台灣的日夜裡……(人本教育札記2009年7月號) http://www.wretch.cc/blog/phesha0822/13786852